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Agile quantum-resistant security on demand.


Dynamic network, endpoint, and cryptographic agility effectively navigating changing environments and evolving standards.


Active automation and orchestration removing administration burden and cost.

Agile quantum-resistant encryption on-demand

Arqit’s dynamic pre-shared key agreement software offers deployment options as either a Private Instance (PI) or Platform as a Service (PaaS). Our scalable, cloud-based platform adheres to established global standards (NIST, FIPS, ISO 27001, ISO/IEC11770-2.2018), delivering quantum-safe encryption on demand. Arqit employs an automated approach to key generation, ensuring efficiency in key management, scalability, and security. Our session keys are computationally secure, created only when needed, and remain unknown to third parties. Our unique split-trust cloud service architecture ensures that data encryption keys are never transmitted over the network, reinforcing the security of the entire process.

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Dynamic network, endpoint  and cryptographic agility

Arqit’s Symmetric Key Agreement Platform is cryptographically agile, ensuring robust protection against emerging threats and vulnerabilities. As cryptographic algorithms evolve, Arqit enables efficient adjustments without disruptive alteration to the underlying system infrastructure. This adaptive approach not only fortifies security but also preserves operational continuity, safeguarding critical data and assets with minimal interruption.

Automatic policy management

Arqit provides risk-based authentication and strong policy enforcement through a user-friendly centralised configuration and policy management cloud console. This reduces administrative burdens and inefficiencies associated with current encryption solutions. Policies and device groups allows you to mirror the setup of your organisation and apply additional rules to help keep the system running safely.

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