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Arqit’s SKA-Platform unlocks a new era of quantum-safe communication across networked devices. Available as either a Private Instance (PI) or a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), SKA-Platform provides robust protection against the spectrum of current and future cyber threats.

Easy to deploy and integrate

Operating through lightweight software agents deployed on individual endpoints, SKA-Platform manages a process for the dynamic creation of encryption keys, based upon predefined security and network policies.

Arqit SDKs can be integrated simply by application developers and system integrators to create customised applications that require active authentication based on zero trust principles and quantum-safe data encryption at the application layer.

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Highest security level

SKA-Platform implements the highest level of quantum-safe security to establish a root of trust on each connected endpoint and facilitates the brokering of shared symmetric keys between devices. 

Supports Zero Trust principles

SKA-Platform generates encryption keys that are not only computationally secure but can also be designed for one-time use on-demand. This feature aligns seamlessly with a mature zero-trust architecture and defence-in-depth paradigm, ensuring robust network security to protect against the cyber attacks of today and the quantum threat of tomorrow

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Highly scalable

A standout feature of SKA-Platform is its capacity to generate an unlimited volume of keys, adaptable to variable group sizes. This dynamic capability enables the platform to effectively manage the entry and exit of devices within a group, allowing for a flexible and scalable approach to key management. SKA-Platform ensures that the security infrastructure remains robust, regardless of the scale and complexity of the networked environment.

Arqit’s platform for quantum-safe networking

Protect critical communication channels with hardened symmetric keys



Protect critical communication channels with hardened symmetric keys
Keys are created in the agents and are available via a secure interface
Local services draw down symmetric keys and use them to harden communications

Defence-in-Depth Security

Root of Trust and Authentication

During registration each device is provisioned with a ‘bootstrap’ key, delivered manually or Over-the-Air (OTA), both of which methods are quantum-safe.  OTA utilises multiple Post-Quantum Algorithms (PQAs) including the NIST standardised ML-KEM algorithm to ‘wrap’ the bootstrap key and deliver it securely over the network to each device. This key is used for mutual symmetric-based authentication with SKA-Platform and is rotated for every new session to achieve perfect forward secrecy. The same authentication key is used to establish a quantum-safe channel to protect all communications between each device and SKA-Platform.

Key Agreement

Arqit’s key agreement protocol brokers shared symmetric keys between devices using cryptography compliant with industry standards. The solution optionally incorporates the NIST ML-KEM key exchange algorithm between devices (Alice and Bob) to derive the final symmetric data encryption key.  

The registration and key agreement workflows provide defence-in-depth security, leveraging multiple post-quantum algorithms in combination with symmetric cryptography to address different data protection use cases with varying levels of risk tolerance.  SKA-Platform supports crypto agility, making it easy to update and switch cryptographic algorithms as PQC standards evolve and new algorithms emerge.

Protect your network today

Arqit’s platform for quantum-safe networking

Protect critical communication channels with hardened symmetric keys

Create quantum-safe keys at endpoints

  • Arqit allows authenticated endpoints to create quantum-safe keys whenever needed
  • Our approach aligns with government recommendations on symmetric protections
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A scalable and flexible platform

  • Reach any endpoint within your network
  • Out-of-the-box integrations with major OEM vendors
  • Add and remove endpoints as required over time

Rooted in secure standards

  • Consumable through standard interfaces
  • Cryptography adheres to relevant standards, including FIPS
  • Underlying primitives can be replaced for crypto-agility
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Arqit’s platform for strong, mutual authentication




Protect your network today