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Strong and dynamic trust mechanisms for evolving architectures


Zero-trust maturity across all devices and data streams.


Multi-layered split-trust defence-in depth security for enhanced protection.

Digital Trust you can rely on

At the forefront of digital trust, Arqit provides versatile security solutions that can be tailored for diverse use cases. Our SKA-Platform provides strong authentication and federation and is built on transparency and integrity, actively guarding against cybersecurity threats. We provide measurable forward secrecy for data using quantum-safe key agreement, supported by governance standards.



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Never trust, always verify

Arqit solutions are grounded in the zero-trust paradigm; eliminating reliance on implicit user trust and assuming all networks, devices and traffic are hostile. By providing zero-trust integration both at the endpoint and the edge, Arqit ensures a continuous cycle of user and device authentication, verification and re-verification, fostering a mature security posture.



Advancing zero-trust principles

Arqit recognises that achieving zero-trust maturity is a journey. We align with NIST SP800-207 (Zero Trust Architecture) and CISA’s maturity model (ZTMM) to help organisations on this pathway.

Embracing core zero-trust principles, including continuous reauthentication, real-time, dynamic and contextual access decisions, and robust governance and automation, Arqit facilitates the transition from traditional perimeter security to a contemporary zero-trust cybersecurity architecture


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Split-trust, defence-in-depth security

Arqit reinforces its zero-trust architecture (ZTA) with multiple layers of defence, establishing a robust framework that emphasises a stringent security posture. Our solutions ensure maximal protection by never assuming trust and fortifying the overall system architecture across devices, networks, administration, processes, policies, and protocols.

To achieve defence-in-depth and mitigate single points of failure, Arqit employs split-trust methodologies. This approach ensures that compromise of a single source does not jeopardise the final key. Arqit's Symmetric Key Agreement protocol mandates the use of at least two sources of key material ensuring that even Arqit's infrastructure remains unaware of the final key.